sweet buttercups: local, organic and fair trade wedding
A Yellow Buttercup Wedding
Spring is on it's way, and here in CA we've been showered with lovely rain to quench our dry aqueducts. What is more reminiscent of rain showers and sweetness than daffodils and yellow blooms? So here's a quick post of some lovely bouquets and other floral adornments that I created for Gorgeous and Green Events www.gorgeousandgreenevents.com with locally grown hydrangea, daffodils, narcissus and organic/fair trade yellow roses.

up close and you might want to drink from these butter cups

two bridesmaids bouquets, smelling sweet

yellow and orange star, a natural show stopper

hydrangea looks so great as a pomander
a nice full corsage, hydrangea and daffodils light up the wrist
Recycling Program: These bouquets made it to a second life when they were donated to City Hall, where couples getting married could use them for their lovely pictures of their civil ceremonies. I know they brightened a few couples' day!
For each event I do, I am more than happy (in fact I strongly suggest) that we reuse the lovely flower designs after the ceremony or reception. If guests can take them home to enjoy or if we end up donating them to a local hospital or older folk's home, it always feels good to spread the love and joy that flowers create in people's lives.
In Green and Health,