A few weeks ago I donated some small rose bouquets to seniors living at a local senior center in Berkeley.  I asked to go around to the individual elders who were living there, and hand them the rose bouquets personally.  So many of them appreciated the token of beauty. I wish our culture interacted with elders more on a daily basis.  It made me feel great to be able to offer such a small gift and brighten up their day.  I know that I will do my best to spend more moments thinking of and honoring the elders who live in our communities.  It brightened my day too!

roses for local seniors at a senior home

In Beauty, Community and Health, Pilar Z. G&G

13 marzo 2012 — Pilar Zuniga


Administrator dijo:

That’s a nice story Danica. :)

Danica Walter dijo:

Reminds me of when I was little and my grandma (dad’s mom) and I would pick roses out of her yard and then take them to the senior center up B Street. We would ask who didn’t really have family and give them to them.

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